Architectural Review Board (ARB)

The Estancia Primera (EP) ARB reviews and approves all new construction plans, as well as plans for all exterior remodeling and landscaping projects, to ensure that the general ambiance and appearance of the neighborhood, as prescribed in the Architectural Guidelines, are maintained. There are specific guidelines that must be met prior to the beginning of any construction or landscaping project. The intent is not to stifle creativity, but rather to maintain the overall harmony of homes in the neighborhood, and to ensure that designs and plans are of a standard appropriate to our community.

Prior to submission of an application to the Estancia Primera ARB, it must first be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) of the EP neighborhood subdivision in which the home or lot is located, together with an appropriate performance deposit check and any plans and materials relevant to the proposed project. Most neighborhood subdivisions use the same application forms as the EP ARB, but may have guidelines and requirements in addition to those applying to all EP properties. After the local subdivision’s ARC has reviewed an application it will forward it with the performance deposit check to the Chair of the EP ARB with a recommendation regarding the project.

Small projects may be approved using email exchanges among the EP ARB members. Larger projects such as new home construction and home additions usually require a formal meeting of the EP ARB for evaluation of the applications. ARB meetings are scheduled as needed to review plans. There is no regular meeting schedule, but the ARB attempts to meet within one to two weeks of receiving an application that requires a meeting, or as necessary to conduct business.

ARB Membership

Kurt Sommer (Chair) – Altamira
John Ferris – Aspen Compound
Laurel Levin – Cresta
Connie Burke
– Cumbre Vista
Sandy Farmer – Kachina Hills
Rita Meek – La Viveza
Sean Krispinsky – Los Altos
Carolyn McCollum – Los Altos Norte
Martha Beechler – Los Nidos