Estancia Primera Racquetball Court Reservations

Online court signup is available for Racquetball Court Reservations. For sign-up access, please contact EPCSA President Brenda Shears at 505 339-8149 (cell) or 505-395-7979.

  1. Reservations may be made at a least 24 hours in advance for up to 3 times (1.5 hour increments) per week for up to two months in advance on the first of each month (for example, on April 1 reservations can be made through the end of May; on May 1, reservations can be made through the end of June, etc.).
  2. Reservations may be made at the same playing time each day for up to two days each week in order to allow others access to desirable time on the courts. The third reservation should be at a different time but not less than 1 hour from the time of the other two reservations.
  3. Contiguous reservations may not be made on the same day.
  4. Same day use of the courts for unreserved slots is on a first-come basis.
  5. Use of court rules are available here: Culpin Rec Center Rules
  6. Please note that a member must accompany all guests when using the Racquetball Court; however, the member’s tenant, or a member’s or tenant’s resident family members or houseguests may use the Recreation Center facilities unaccompanied (Book of Resolutions: Culpin Rec Center Rules, Part II.A.5. Access).